
or life during the pandemic


Earth does not stop, people do. Division is no longer just an operation, but a human condition. 3.9 bilion people worldwide, more than the entire world population of the 1970, are experiencing a condition of forced isolation due to the pandemic that has surprised us. We are grappling with the realization that we are much more fragile than we might wish to be. Nobody would have thought that we would get to this situation within the course of only around three weeks. The world just outside my front door has changed. As I walk in the garden, and even that is a luxury these days, I try to imagine my neighbors' lives. There is the elderly man who sits in a chair in front of his house and waits to see people passing by; but no one ever comes. There are those who nervously light at first just one, and then two and three cigarettes. There are those who walk their dogs to enjoy a few minutes of freedom. There are those who dance. There are those who kiss. There are those who take care of their gardens, and those who would like to have one. During these days people are rediscovering the importance of balconies and terraces. Sometimes, I suppose, I see some people trying to have a conversation in their search to understand the latest details about this exceptional moment in which we are living. I am isolated from them, but it is if I had established a sort of long-distance relationship between them and me. I had never talked to them before; I do not know their names - in fact, I do not really know anything about them. Yet their repeated daily routines are a certainty during these days, during these weeks of unprecedented isolation. We are children of God living together within the same human condition.

Traces had been featured in:

- Abbecedario fotografico @ Arte al Monte - Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì - Libreria Marmo - Collettiva di ventisei tra gli autori più rappresentativi della fotografia italiana.

-  group exhibition: Inside / Casa, Famiglia E Comunità In Questo Periodo Di Transizione   @PHmuseum Lab - Bologna / 20 Mag, 2021 - 23 GIu, 2021

-   MIKROS the book published by  D.O.O.R.

-  Honourable mention nominee  PHMUSEUM MOBILE PHOTO PRIZE


The Financial Times - How to spend it

winner MIKROS Call - A call to think big and look at what is small by D.O.O.R